A New Development in the Heart of Esquimalt

Our objective is to rezone lands from the current use to Medium Density Residential, to support Esquimalt’s long range goals as stated in the Official Community Plan (OCP). Located at the intersections of Carlisle Avenue, Lyall Street and Fraser Street, the site is ideally located adjacent to the Esquimalt Recreation Centre, and the heart of the community. Our objective is to support compact, efficient medium-density and high-density residential development, consistent with the OCP, and that integrates with the existing and proposed adjacent uses.

Connected to the Community

The project is envisioned as The Marin, reflecting Esquimalt's maritime history and coastal setting. Ideally situated in the heart of Esquimalt, Resident Members will have access to many essentials in only a short walk. These two buildings feature underground parking for cars and bikes, and are connected to the ArtWalk and Town Square to provide great connectivity to the community.

Rezoning Application – Document Download Library

Read online or click the arrow in the upper left of each document to download the PDF.

Application Letter

Community Engagement Summary

Architectural Drawings

Landscape Concept Plan

Parking Study

Traffic Impact Assessment

Shadow Study